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  • Can I insert pictures in my FAQ?
    Yes! To add a picture follow these simple steps: Enter App Settings Click the "Manage Questions" button Click on the question you would like to attach a picture to When editing your answer, click on the picture icon and then add an image from your library
  • When will we get the Academy of the Gods series?
    Haha! I'm so glad you're interested in this! I love all of my god/demigod characters so much. Right now (December 2020) it's looking like Kings of Valhalla (a Norse god series) will come out first. Then I think I'll try and publish at least one more gods series (Egyptian, possibly more) before FINALLY throwing all of these wonderful characters into the Academy! haha! So realistically speaking... (and to answer your question)... not for a while :/
  • Which of your series do you think I should read first?
    As of right now (December 2020) my bestselling series -- and the one I'm currently most proud of -- is the Storms of Blackwood series! It was my first RH series and the one that really made this into a solid CAREER for me, so it holds a special place in my heart <3
  • Who was your favorite character to write?
    Oh geez... as far as heroines are concerned? My initial instinct is to go with Val (from the Essential Elements trilogy). I based a lot of her quirks and internal dialogue after myself (which is a bit worrisome, considering a good number of readers complained about her LOL! Like, would they like ME if we ever met IRL? hahaha!) But as far as interesting characters are concerned... I like Catfish (Eliza's familiar in Queen Witch). He's snarky and hilarious lol And I like Speedy (Alexis's pet from Taken by Storm)! Writing an accident-prone sloth into a book was a lot of fun!
  • Are you a plotter or a pantser?
    I'm a plotter! The first series I ever wrote (the Essential Elements YA trilogy) was pantsed -- and I learned a LOT from that experience! lol After that, I learned plotting and never looked back... Just kidding. I totally looked back. SO MANY big-name authors admit to being pantsers. They just start writing and allow their characters to dictate where the #1 bestselling story will inevitably take them. So I thought, I should just pants, it'll be better that way. LOoooOL. It's not. Not for ME. We're all different, and we should embrace that! Some of us will enjoy the creative freedom of pantsing, while others of us appreciate a clear path full of intention and deliberate planning -- and that's OKAY! Do what works best for you and TRY to stop comparing yourself to other authors (easier said than done, I know lol)
  • What are your favorite books on writing craft?
    I LOVE writing craft books lol Some of my favorites are... K.M. Weiland (Helping Writers Become Authors Series) This is how I plot my books, using K.M.'s outline :) She also taught me a LOT about how fiction works, in depth, yet totally understandable. Plus, I'm pretty sure her (free) website has even more info than her books! Becca Syme (Dear Writer, You Need to Quit Series) These books just made sense to me. They hit home in a way that many others didn't. But (perhaps) even more valuable are her courses. I love psychology and Becca uses the psychological study of personality in order to help her students/clients learn how to write better and faster! If you've taken any personality tests (ie/ Myers-Briggs, Enneagram, etc.) we should totally chat! haha! You can find my personality test results in my Bio section :)
  • Do you recommend paid advertising?
    At this point (December 2020) I would undoubtedly say YES. I started out publishing WITHOUT ads, and I made virtually NO money. My first book earned about $80 for the entire YEAR. Ouch. It wasn't until I took Mark Dawson's Ads for Authors course and began using Facebook ads that I finally started making some money. Will the market change in the next few years and make ads irrelevant? Possibly. Will I gain a massive amount of loyal followers who make ads unnecessary? I sure hope so! haha! But for now, ads are where it's at lol
  • Are you a plotter or a pantser?
    I'm a plotter! The first series I ever wrote (the Essential Elements YA trilogy) was pantsed -- and I learned a LOT from that experience! lol After that, I learned plotting and never looked back... Just kidding. I totally looked back. SO MANY big-name authors admit to being pantsers. They just start writing and allow their characters to dictate where the #1 bestselling story will inevitably take them. So I thought, I should just pants, it'll be better that way. LOoooOL. It's not. Not for ME. We're all different, and we should embrace that! Some of us will enjoy the creative freedom of pantsing, while others of us appreciate a clear path full of intention and deliberate planning -- and that's OKAY! Do what works best for you and TRY to stop comparing yourself to other authors (easier said than done, I know lol)
  • Do you recommend paid advertising?
    At this point (December 2020) I would undoubtedly say YES. I started out publishing WITHOUT ads, and I made virtually NO money. My first book earned about $80 for the entire YEAR. Ouch. It wasn't until I took Mark Dawson's Ads for Authors course and began using Facebook ads that I finally started making some money. Will the market change in the next few years and make ads irrelevant? Possibly. Will I gain a massive amount of loyal followers who make ads unnecessary? I sure hope so! haha! But for now, ads are where it's at lol
  • What are your favorite books on writing craft?
    I LOVE writing craft books lol Some of my favorites are... K.M. Weiland (Helping Writers Become Authors Series) This is how I plot my books, using K.M.'s outline :) She also taught me a LOT about how fiction works, in depth, yet totally understandable. Plus, I'm pretty sure her (free) website has even more info than her books! Heather Hildenbrand (Manifest Your HEA) I had the wonderful experience of being coached by Heather, and this book is just as good as the real thing! It helps get your SELF and your MINDSET right so that writing can come easier and you can create the life/career of your dreams. Becca Syme (Dear Writer, You Need to Quit Series) These books just made sense to me. They hit home in a way that many others didn't. But (perhaps) even more valuable are her courses. I love psychology and Becca uses the psychological study of personality in order to help her students/clients learn how to write better and faster! If you've taken any personality tests (ie/ Myers-Briggs, Enneagram, etc.) we should totally chat! haha! You can find my personality test results in my Bio section :)
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